NDCC Data Report

SDG Indicator Tier Classification Data Source Reporting
Baseline Data Current Status (Year & Source) Minimum Disaggregation Dimensions and Categories Deadline for Data providing
Institution (Ministry / Division / Agency) Activity (Survey / Census / Administrative / MIS / AI / Big Data / IoT) Data Year Data Year
11.a.1 Number of countries that have national urban policies or regional development plans that (a) respond to population dynamics; (b) ensure balanced territorial development; and (c) increase local fiscal space Tier I Local Government Division (LGD) City Corporations, LGRD Annual - % - - % City type:City corporation,Municipality 31st, December
11.a.1 Number of countries that have national urban policies or regional development plans that (a) respond to population dynamics; (b) ensure balanced territorial development; and (c) increase local fiscal space Tier I Ministry of Housing and Public Works (MoHPW) Development Authorities (i.e. RAJUK, CDA, KDA, UDD Annual - % - - % City type:City corporation,Municipality 31st, December
14.b.1 Progress by countries in the degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries Tier I The Department of Fisheries Triennial - % - - % Framework:Legal framework,Institutional Framework,Regulatory Framework,Policy framework 31st, January
11.b.1 Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 Tier I Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) Triennial - % - - % Income level:High,Medium,Low;Subnational level:Division;Qualitative Indicator:Disaster Defi- cit Index (DDI),The Local Disaster Index (LDI),The Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI),The Risk Management Index (RMI) 31st, December
14.c.1 Number of countries making progress in ratifying, accepting and implementing through legal, policy and institutional frameworks, ocean-related instruments that implement international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources Tier II Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) Triennial - % - - % Occupation:Ratification of or accession to relevant instrumen,Implementation of the Relevant Instruments 31st, December
11.b.2 Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies Tier II Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) Annual - % - - % Local government:City Corporation,Paurashava,Zilla parishad,Upazila parisad,Union parisad;Subnational level:Division;Qualitative Indicator:Disaster Defi- cit Index (DDI),The Local Disaster Index (LDI),The Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI),The Risk Management Index (RMI) 31st, August
16.1.2 Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause Tier II Bangladesh Police Annual 0.85 % 2015 0.17 % 2018 Gender:Male,Female,Transgender;Age Group:0-18 years,18 years and above;Cause of death:Denial of access to destruction of objects indispensable to survival,Use of objects and other means,Heavy weapons and explosive munitions,Planted explosives and unexploded ordnance (UXO),Small arms and light weapons,Incendiary,Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN),Electromagnetic weapons,Less lethal weapons,Accidents related to conflict,Unknown2;Status of the person killed:Civilian,Other protected person,Member of armed forces,Person directly participating in hostilities,Unknown 31st, July
16.1.3 Proportion of female population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence in the previous 12 months Tier II Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) VAW Survey Triennial 57.7 % 2015 57.7 % 2015 Gender:Female,Male,Transgender;Age Group:0-14 years,Age 15-24 years,25-49 years,50 years and older;Income level:High,Medium,Low;Disability:With Disability,Without Disability;Education level:Illiterate,preprimary,Primary,Secondary,Tertiary,Higher secondary;Ethnicity:Ethnic,Non-ethnic;Citizenship:Citizen,Non Citizen 31st, July
15.1.2.a Proportion of important sites for terrestrial biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type Tier Department of Environment Annual 3.08 % 2018 3.08 % 2018 Ecosystem type:Forest,Marine,Terrestrial,Freshwater;Protected area management categories:Categories I,Categories II,Categories III,Categories IV,Categories V,Categories VI 31st, July
15.1.2.a Proportion of important sites for terrestrial biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type Tier The Department of Fisheries Annual - % - - % Ecosystem type:Forest,Marine,Terrestrial,Freshwater;Protected area management categories:Categories I,Categories II,Categories III,Categories IV,Categories V,Categories VI 31st, July
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