NDCC Data Report

SDG Indicator Tier Classification Data Source Reporting
Baseline Data Current Status (Year & Source) Minimum Disaggregation Dimensions and Categories Deadline for Data providing
Institution (Ministry / Division / Agency) Activity (Survey / Census / Administrative / MIS / AI / Big Data / IoT) Data Year Data Year
6.6.1 Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time Tier I Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) Triennial - % - - % Ecosystem type:Forest,Marine,Freshwater;Spatial Scale:National,Basin 30th, June
6.6.1 Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time Tier I Forest Department Triennial - % - - % Ecosystem type:Forest,Marine,Freshwater;Spatial Scale:National,Basin 30th, June
6.6.1 Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time Tier I Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO) Triennial - % - - % Ecosystem type:Forest,Marine,Freshwater;Spatial Scale:National,Basin 30th, June
6.a.1 Amount of water and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government coordinated spending plan Tier I Economic Relations Division (ERD) EC Annual 0.5 % 2015 326.7 % 2023 Sub-sector:Basic system,Large system 31st, July
6.b.1 Proportion of local administrative units with established and operational policies and procedures for participation of local communities in water and sanitation management Tier I Department of Public Health Engineering Annual 95.99 % 2019 95.99 % 2021 31st, January
7.1.1 Proportion of population with access to electricity Tier I Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) SVRS Annual 78 % 2015 99.53 % 2023 Gender:Male,Female;Location:Rural,Urban;Employment status:Employed,Unemployed;Subnational level:Division,Districts,Upazila;Wealth quintiles:Bottom,2nd,3rd,4th,Top;Source of electricity:Grid,Off-grid 31st, December
7.1.2 Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology Tier I Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) MICS Annual 19 % 2019 19 % 2019 Gender:Male,Female;Location:Rural,Urban;End-use:Cooking,Heating,Lighting;Gender of head of household:Male,Female 31st, December
7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption Tier I Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) Annual 2.79 % 2015 4.11 % 2023 Solar Energy:On-Grid Capacity,Off-Grid Capacity;Consumption of Renewable Energy:Resource Capacity,End Use Capacity 31st, July
7.3.1 Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and gross domestic product (GDP) Tier I Bangladesh Hydrocarbon Unit Annual 0.0762 % 2014 1.28 % 2023 Final Consumption Sector or end uses:Industry,Residential,Transport,Agriculture,Households;Sectoral Level Energy Intensity:Cement,Steel,RMG,Electricity 31st, July
7.a.1 International financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, including in hybrid systems Tier I Economic Relations Division (ERD) EC Annual 301.1 % 2016 496.8 % 2019 Development partner:UN Agencies,Non- UN Agencies,Partner Countries,Alliances;Type of finance:Grant,Loan;Finance Source:Bilateral,Multilateral;Type of technology of financial flow:Bio-energy,Geothermal energy,Hydropower, ocean energy,Solar energy,Wind energy 31st, July
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